The future of cycling

The future of cycling

I may be a little biased, OK… a lot biased but here is my take on where this is all going. What I keep hearing is that “the independent bike shop model is in trouble thanks to the internet.” Well, I think this is half right. Unfortunately an independent bike shop could be in danger of becoming extinct if it does not change the way it does things. The world is evolving, people are used to having many more choices and options than you can possibly provide as a small independent shop. Small retailers can’t possibly keep everything in stock so that you can show up on a whim and buy it. It’s impossible.

So what is the answer? Goodbye Cycle… ;-)

With all of the choices out there, you can’t count on you local bike shop to have all of this in stock so you can demo it and make a good decision before you buy.

There is a better way.

Now that you can buy and sell used bikes so easily. Buy what you want to ride, demo it for as long as you want then let Goodbye Cycle take over. If you bought it right, you should be able to get most of your money out of it… So what if it cost you a few hundred bucks to demo a bike for as long as you wanted?

How many times have you thought, “I should have bought the large frame instead of medium?” or “I should have gone with more suspension, a 29er!”… The list goes on. Don’t settle, try them all! Buy and sell used at Goodbye Cycle!

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