Online Bicycle Buyer, why?

Online Bicycle Buyer, why?

We get asked all of the time, “what made you start buying bikes online”. The answer is simple really, we are bicycle enthusiasts too! Once you get hooked on cycling, it natural that you will want to have multiple bikes, don’t fight this urge! Get out there and try some different bikes out. You know that you need to ride them for more than a demo ride around the parking lot to really get the feel for a new bike. So buy that bike but when the garage gets full and you need to make room for another bike, give us a shout.

This is where we come in, we make it really easy to get rid of your excess high end bikes so that you can go out and buy another bike. Just knowing that you sold your old bike will no doubt bring tears of joy to your wife or whomever shares your garage with you. We have had several customers come in from great distances to sell us multiple bikes. We had a doctor from Oklahoma that brought in four pimped out titanium mountain bikes that he need to sell. He could not thank us enough for making it easy for him to get out of these bikes so he could go out and get new ones.

So I guess the answer to the question, why do we buy bikes. Is that there is no other service like ours for cyclist. Sure there are people that will consign your stuff but that is complicated, takes a long time to get paid and you really never know what you are gonna get. We have many customers that sell their bicycle to us online after they have waited months for their local shop to try to consign a bike. Let’s face it, if you put your consignment bike in a bike shop… they are only going to sell it as a last resort if they can’t sell a new bike.

We buy your bike now! You take the money and move on to the next bike.

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